Your company probably has a number of important Notes applications that are vital to the way you conduct business. They were likely developed over the years, perhaps up to 15 or even 20 years ago. And it shows. Even the colors that were popular in the late 1990’s look hopelessly outdated today. In a lot of instances, the application may not even have been developed by a traditional developer, but by a business user who did not have much experience in user interface design.
Your users may not be complaining, but they, as well as the senior management team, are surely noticing. The question you are asking yourself is how are you going to alleviate this issue?
You know and love the power and security of IBM Notes and Domino. You have even upgraded to the latest version. But that does not change the look-and-feel of your custom applications. That ancient look makes all of Notes look bad. You may be having meetings with management where they are grumbling and talking about replacing Notes.
Now you have an opportunity to make a change. Demand Better Solutions can update the client applications to make them match the rest of the IBM Notes client. But we can also create a fully browser-based state-of-the-art web application, using modern libraries like jQuery and frameworks like jQuery UI and Bootstrap. This allows for exciting new functionality that simply can’t be done in the Notes client. Functions like instant filtering/searches of views, or combining data from multiple views or databases into one view, are easy with the new tools.
The updates are done by keeping the Domino backend but replacing the Notes client with a modern web application. Your users will love the new modern look, as well as the added functionality. If you have switched email systems to Outlook/Exchange or Google mail, you will be able to retire the Notes client altogether, while still having all the data secured in a Domino database.
To make your application even more useful, we can build a mobile version of the application. It can be done as either a web application which is optimized for mobile devices or as a native app using Adobe PhoneGap.
Additionally, we can help you migrate the data away from Domino into a modern NoSQL database that in many ways resembles Domino. We use the London-based company LDC Via for this process. London Develop Co-Op are long-time Domino developers who built this alternative to the traditional NSF data store in Domino and we are able to leverage their creation for your benefit.